So yesterday I wake up at noon after staying up until roughly 3 AM. Oh the summer habits. And, then last night, again at 3 or 4 AM when I decide to crash, I'm laying in bed trying to go to sleep whilst thinking of all the other things I could be doing. (Stretching, playing music, messing with my hair, scooting around on my floor, plucking my eyebrows.)
This happens all the time, and I'm always half tempted to get up and do them, or at least write a list so I can get it out of my head. But then I convince myself to stay in bed and SLEEP for goodness sake, and I usually drift off into another dream about T-rexs in a swimming pool who resemble my friends. (Misplaced modifier: do my friends look like the pool or the dino? Language Arts has ruined me.) But not last night.
Last night I look at the clock and decide "Who needs 5 hours of sleep anyways?" and I get up and proceed to sign onto AIM, informing my friend I will be attempting and all nighter that will more than likely only last 2 hours. How wrong I was. I made it through with flying colors (Yay to whiling away the hours reading by reading political and science news articles!) and I feel AWESOME.
Not solely in the "Go you, Becca, for accomplishing what 72% of all teenagers do every other night" sense, but actually physically awesome. Funny too, since I didn't even do any of the things I was thinking about that compelled me to get up in the first place. (Kay, I plucked my eyebrows.) I sat on the computer sharing a hilarious conversation with my fellow All-Nighter (notice the capitalization and how it turns an action into a noun. Fancy, right?) and, as stated earlier, reading many an article.
We've come to the conclusion that a Japanese diver will discover Atlantis and the Bermuda Triangle is the third pole, and Santa lives there, which is why he "doesn't exist", by the way.
So, after about 5 hours on my computer, I'm expecting my eyes will be really tired and I'll want to zonk out. Surprisingly I rise, stretch very fullfillingly like a kitty-cat, and feel fine. Before that I had glanced out my window to find it was light out. Which, let me tell you, is really perception boggling, since there was no sleep-break-up-of-days.
But anyways, I felt like doing some stretches and random light exercise, and did, and it wasn't my usual getting energy out rushed kind, but rather a very nice and focused version. I felt more attuned, which, again, strikes me as odd since I have not slept, and let me tell you, as much as I gripe about sleep as a necessity, I do love dreaming and lazing.
Basically, my all nighter bordered on enlightening. I got to listen to my 13 parakeets in the living room peep themselves awake, witness the subtle change from night to morning, and share quite a nice time with a dear friend. I watched the world wake up, and in the wee hours of the morn, it kinda felt like magic.
I've gained a renewed appreciation of the subtle and the small, and I'm excited for nothing in particular. I deem this the official commencement of summer.
Let the games begin :]