So, I'm lovin' these follow through skills I got here. It and my willpower are a long, arduous work in progress, I'll get there, I promise. For now though, let's just be a little vain.
Wouldn't it be cool if I had my hair dyed neopolitan colors with this style? That reminds me, in a future post I must peacock my past hair colors. Right now it's streaky orange because of my well water. I must say, it kinda suits me. Oh, parking cone hair days. -wistful sigh- The earrings I'm wearing are long term lent to me by a best friend, whose great grandmother owned them. There's something magical about them.
There's a star, a moon, cupid, and a sun
Somehow they manage not to be too bulky or show-offy. I enjoy them so.
Then today I was making an asparagus, onion, and bell pepper stir fry (weird sounding combination, surprisingly delicious.) and found something cool in the orange bell pepper. One, or several, I'm not sure, of the seeds had begun growing a new pepper inside. How cool is it a whole peeper comes from one, and each pepper creates that many seeds? They multiply like rats! Seeing it was the same 5 year old awe you get every time you find a tiiiiiny grape. Or you know, I'm just easily excitable.
Me and my pepper baby are gonna go ponder the meaning of life now. (It's 42)
Somehow they manage not to be too bulky or show-offy. I enjoy them so.
Then today I was making an asparagus, onion, and bell pepper stir fry (weird sounding combination, surprisingly delicious.) and found something cool in the orange bell pepper. One, or several, I'm not sure, of the seeds had begun growing a new pepper inside. How cool is it a whole peeper comes from one, and each pepper creates that many seeds? They multiply like rats! Seeing it was the same 5 year old awe you get every time you find a tiiiiiny grape. Or you know, I'm just easily excitable.
Me and my pepper baby are gonna go ponder the meaning of life now. (It's 42)
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