Thursday, May 14, 2009

When I Grow Up

Can I be this girl?

Her twitchy dance enthralls me, and if I could, I would dress in her kind of nonsense every day.
It kind of reminds me of this necklace.

By ElizaVeta on Etsy


347Crew said...

perhaps a GREAT big bowl of THERAPY would help eh? The dance think I remember tha feeling....oh yeah....then I seeked professional song..but the video..or the feeling it evokes"in me" is disturbing
this is me not her

347Crew said...

I could so see you being that girl! I like her dance (my friend in germany kinda dances like her!) and I liked the video too. No disturbing emotions for me, more like voodooish (but ok, maybe her dad watching behind closed curtains was kinda weird). But I found the music entriguing.
this is me not him X~)(he cant figure out how to make his own avatar teeheehee)

Becca said...

ahahaha, so the first one was Mr. Robert, and then Rosie?

I dunno, your therapist might tell you to embrace the weird. You know, if I was the therapist XD

Yeah, it's giving off not so much a voodoo, but autumn vibe to me. Like the crisp air and smell of fall.

Did you show him? when you're on your blog, click "view full profile" then "edit profile" under where the picture should be, and then scroll down and there's a place to upload an avatar.

Elizaveta said...

I like it. A lot.